




    Molly Burger

    Educator, Leader, Collaborator

  • As a leader

    I am passionate about creating powerful, relevant learning experiences that support the intellectual and personal development of all members of the learning community.


    I collaborate to bring to life the vision, mission, and strategic plan of a school ensuring the students are at the forefront of all decisions and actions.


    I empower students through programs that amplify their voice, provide them with choice, and build leadership skills.


    I empower teachers through distributive leadership, professional development, and supporting innovation.

  • What I've Done

    Samples of work with students, teachers, and parents

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    Middle School Faculty Blog

    Communicating with faculty through a weekly blog

    What is Middle School?

    Presentation to prospective parents and students.

    Middle Level Leader Program

    Empowering teachers through middle level leadership

    Accreditation: Data in a Day

    Harnessing the power of our community to learn about our school

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    Embedding Core Values

    How a Core Value can be woven throughout curriculum and programs

    Updating Students

    Communicating with students, bringing light to difficult times

    Coming Back from Covid

    Health and safety updates for students and parents

    Inquiry Learning

    Changing all the structures to create powerful inquiry learning

    Service Learning

    Embedded transdisciplinary, service learning, project based experiences


    Empowering teachers to create collaborative experiences around the world

  • Character Strengths

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    Virtue Category: Humanity

    "I am helpful and empathic and regularly do nice favors for others without expecting anything in return."

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    Love of Learning

    Virtue Category: Wisdom

    "I am motivated to acquire new levels of knowledge, or deepen my existing knowledge or skills in a significant way."

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    Virtue Category: Justice

    “I treat everyone equally and fairly, and give everyone the same chance applying the same rules to everyone.”

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    Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence

    Virtue Category: Transcendence

    "I recognize, emotionally experience, and appreciate the beauty around me and the skill of others."

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    Virtue Category: Justice

    "I take charge and guide groups to meaningful goals, and ensure good relations among group members."

  • Work History

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    Korea International School

    Middle School Principal, 2023-Present

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    Saigon South International School

    Middle School Principal, 2013-2023

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    Middleton School District

    Middle School Principal, 2004-2013

    Middle School Assistant Principal, 2003-2004

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    Longview School District

    Middle School Assistant Principal, 2002-2003

    High School Social Studies Teacher, 1996-2002

  • Education 

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    Educational Specialist: Superintendency, March 2023

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    Educational Leadership, Graduate Certificate

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    Master in Education, Curriculum and Instruction

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    Bachelor of Arts, Political Science and International Studies